The ETF welcomes the constructive discussions introduced by the European Commission on the establishment of common projects for SESAR deployment. The timely information and consultation of Trade Unions and professional associations in the decision making process is central.

Mr Matthew Baldwin
Director Air Transport
DG Move European Commission

Dear Matthew,

Re: Additional comments on “Establishing guidance material on common projects for SESAR deployment”.

The ETF welcomes the constructive discussions introduced by the European Commission on the establishment of common projects for SESAR deployment. The timely information and consultation of Trade Unions and professional associations in the decision making process is central. To us, it is the correct way to develop a common approach on SESAR for its successful deployment. In particular, the ETF appreciates the way the European Commission underlines the essential role of Staff Organizations in the deployment phase concerning the change management and the aspects impacting the human factor.

The ETF believes that only a full involvement of Staff at all level will be the key of success. We strongly support the statement on the “ Approach on guidance material document” concerning the involvement of staff at political level (level 1) in the establishment of the common projects through consultation of the Expert group on the social dimension of the SES and at management level (level 2) in the establishment of the deployment programme.

In addition, we consider the technical contribution of Staff Organizations, already provided during the development phase of SESAR, essential to ensure an adequate involvement of the human factor in the implementation projects. We also stress the need to ensure an adequate involvement of Staff at implementation level (level 3).

Another important point for the ETF is related to the list of further actions in the establishment of common projects that have to complement the Operational and Technical contents of the Master Plan (page 8). In this list, the need of a positive CBA is mentioned many times but even if there’s a part concerning the need of agreed safety requirements, the ETF believes that the feasibility of a project has to be demonstrated through a credible Business Case including Safety, Human Performance, Security, Environmental assessments and also the Cost Benefit analysis. This is the only way to ensure that qualitative data, as Human related aspects, and not only monetary value, will be taken into account.

Thanking you in advance for your attention.

Letter Baldwin SESAR deployment


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