Professional Staff Organisations (PSOs1) representing in SESAR all the end-users of the aviation field including Pilots, ATCOs and ATSEPs, have been involved in SESAR from the Definition Phase. During the Development Phase this contribution has been crucial for SESAR to align the programme with the operational reality through the independent feedback of front-line operators.
PSOs are committed to continue contributing to SESAR with a constructive spirit towards the forthcoming SESAR 2020 programme.

Based on the experience accrued and the lessons learnt, for an effective participation and a beneficial contribution to SESAR 2020, the following recommendations are essential:
SESAR 2020 Contract Framework for PSOs
 A clear Contract Framework has to be available before SESAR 2020 Kick-off,
 The not spent budget of previous year should be carried over to the next period, especially in case of postponed activities, validations or meetings.
Staff involvement in the Programme
 Experts representing Staff should start their involvement at the kick-off of every single project,
 SESAR members should be timely informed in order to be aware of the role of PSOs and the Contract Framework. It is crucial for a quick involvement and an effective contribution avoiding the possible exclusion of the experts,
 SJU should set up a proper communication strategy with SESAR members in order to facilitate the experts release for specific program activities.
Projects and Validations Work
 Descriptions of Work (DOWs) of all projects should be available in time, preferably before SESAR 2020 initiation, enabling PSOs to obtain sufficient information for the preparation of work,
 SJU should organise Workshops or Ad-hoc meetings to present and explain projects objectives, content and type of activities in order to guide PSOs in their decision for more effective contributions,
 PSOs should decide to which projects they contribute. Coordination among PSOs should avoid duplication of contributions. Nevertheless more than one Staff Association shall have the possibility to contribute simultaneously to the same project if
considered important,
 PSOs feedback must always be taken into account by Project Managers and shall not be excluded without justification,
 The 3rd PRM is not an effective process. Specific Projects or Ad-Hoc activities could be proposed to PSOs by the SESAR JU and Staff Associations should facilitate and contribute.
IVT- International Validation Team
 IVT participation to all validations should be secured and should not be limited by Projects Members,
 Early notification of dates of exercises is essential to allow experts getting release from work
 Yearly and Ad-Hoc coordination meeting shall be organised for the IVT experts group.The Ad-Hoc meeting should include a.o. training sessions for IVT experts concerning IVT roles & responsibilities, scope, procedures, reporting activities etc..
Administration Board
 PSOs should be involved in the Administration Board:
o A proper communication strategy has to be set up,
o ADB Minutes and documents should be made available to the agreed PSOs Focal point, alternate and nominated points of contact (one per organisation).
SESAR 2020 content related issues:
 SAFETY and HUMAN issues evaluation and screening should be improved,
 Future Projects Documentation and Validations activities should cover Degraded Mode and non-Nominal situations scenarios.
More and detailed inputs related to the content will be provided by PSOs in the consultation process on SESAR 2020.

Staff Involvement in SESAR 2020