The SESAR Concept is a change of high complexity, magnitude and scale impacting fundamentally Social Partners roles and responsibilities.The changes to be introduced during the SESAR Development and Deployment phases require a successful ‘transition’ of the affected staff from the current to the new system, a different way of operation or management, a new approach to leadership, to participation and involvement of staff and management as well as an effective partnership approach.
The key-enablers contributing to the success of the SESAR development and implementation phases have been identified as follow:
a) STAFF INVOLVEMENT: The effective participation and active involvement of the European Civil Aviation Community, including Trade Unions and Professional Staff Organizations, within the SESAR JU R&D activities and also within the forthcoming
Deployment activities, will enable proactive identification of Social and change risks and opportunities towards the common goal to improve the overall performance of the ATM system;
b) SOCIAL DIALOGUE: Social Partners in the European Sectorial Social Dialogue Committee for Civil Aviation should ensure that all affected parties are properly represented and should take a proactive, anticipating and supporting role for the successful implementation of the SESAR Concept with stable participation structures and clearly defined mandates.
c) Change Management Strategy: A clear Change Management Strategy & Planning to initiate, implement, manage and steer effective and sustainable change and transition in an organisation should be established before SESAR Deployment.
A Strategic Plan should include a clear statement of the objectives of the change, the time horizon, the resources necessary, a communication plan and in what way will the affected staff will be involved in the execution of the plan (e.g. Staff involvement in the Deployment activities, the establishment of Social Forum at European, FAB and National level etc..).
SOCIAL FACTOR and Change Management