The ETF aim is to promote a balanced and coherent approach to be sure that the decisions taken in the definition of the performance scheme and in the adoption of the targets will not put a risk in the system or go against the interests of all the ATM workers.

ETF position on the Revision of the SES 2 Performance Scheme for the 2nd Reference Period

The ETF aim is to promote a balanced and coherent approach to be sure that the decisions taken in the definition of the performance scheme and in the adoption of the targets will not put a risk in the system or go against the interests of all the ATM workers.

The ETF stress the importance and the need for consultation (as foreseen by the law) of staff representatives at all levels and at all steps of the target setting process. In this respect, infringements and errors made during RP1 have to be taken into account and corrected. The ETF considers that the Safety KPA has to be treated as the priority and to be developed with the highest level of ambition for RP2.

The 3 others KPA (Environment, Capacity, Cost) must be considered in a global approach: the interdependencies and the trade-off between them have to be correctly assessed. The 5th pillar of the SES, the human factor pillar, is a paramount dimension of the SES development that has to be fully integrated in the 4 other pillars: Safety, Performance, Technology and Airport.


Please find below the full ETF Position.

ETF Position on RP2


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